Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is pleased to present:
Exploring Sufism with Gregory Blann
Time/Dates: Friday June 9th: 5:30pm Potluck Supper followed by program.
Saturday June 10th: 8:30 continental breakfast; program follows.
Location: Adshead Hall if ready; PHCC Community House if Adshead not ready. TBA
Gregory Blann has been an active student of Sufism and the world’s religions for forty years. He received initiation from Pir Vilayat Khan in the Inayatiyya (a universalist Sufi Order) in 1980 and served as a representative in that order for a number of years. He also studied Kabbala with Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. In 1990, he received initiation in the Turkish Halveti-Jerrahi Sufi Order from Sheikh Nur al-Jerrahi (Lex Hixon), and also studied with the grand-sheikh of the time, Safer Efendi. Gregory became a Jerrahi sheikh in 1994. His Sufi name is Sheikh Muhammad Jamal. Gregory was raised in the Christian tradition and has studied all the major world religions and regards each of them as a valuable path to God or Ultimate Reality. He sees great complementarity between the mystical teachings of Sufism and Christianity and will share some of those insights in his presentation.
Gregory is an author whose books include Garden of Mystic Love (on the history and teachings of Sufism), Lifting the Boundaries (an account of the life and Sufi teachings of Muzaffer Efendi), When Oceans Merge: The Contemporary Sufi and Hasidic teachings of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan and Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Living Open Space: The Interspiritual Journey of Lex Hixon. These books can be previewed at his website:https://blanng.wixsite.com/blanngallery/art and can be purchased through Amazon.com.
There is no charge for this program. Membership renewal is now. Your
membership is vital to supporting and continuing these varied and interesting
programs: $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI P O Box 621, Pleasant Hill
38578. As always donations to ULLI are greatly appreciated.
Note: If you plan to attend the potluck supper before the presentation, don’t
forget to bring your own table setting: plates, cups and cutlery! Those not wishing to attend the potluck are welcome to arrive at 6:30 for the program.
On Saturday, January 14, there will be a complimentary continental breakfast at 8:30, followed by the program from 9:00 – 10:30 am.