ULLI Event
Tom and Kim Warren
Lavastida Center - Cuba
August 11, Adshead Hall
5:50 p.m. Potluck Meal, ULLI Style (Bring your own plate, eating utensils, and drink container. Oh, and a dish of food to share.)
6:30 p.m Program for those not attending potluck
Some of ULLI's audience will already be familiar with the work of the Lavastida Center in Santiago de Cuba. Tom and Kim Warren will be sharing current information about that work and about visiting the Center.
The Lavastida Center is doing well and appears to be very active in all of their ministries. They continue to support a number of permaculture projects around the Santiago area, growing various vegetables and raising small scale livestock for local consumption. All the permaculture projects are completely organic and sustainable, as well as very important food source during the current difficult times in Cuba.
The Center also is working on various ecumenical initiatives, providing space, staff, and support for pastoral training as well as lay member training programs. They recently sponsored a program in recognition of International Women’s Day and continue education programs around domestic violence issues. For weekly updates on their activities I suggest you “like” their Facebook page as they are posting information and photos of their events quite often.
Revs. Gisela and Elmer are fully retired now, but are still deeply involved as volunteers in the Center. Elmer turned 80 on the Saturday when our group was there (February 18th). The new Executive Director is Dr. Heidi Lavastida, their oldest daughter. Their staff is quite large and very ecumenical.
Our next trip will be in early February of 2024. We will, of course, be very willing to deliver your Power of the Penny funds (easiest and cheapest way).
There is no charge for this program. Membership renewal is now. Your membership is vital to supporting and continuing these varied and interesting programs: $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI P O Box 621, Pleasant Hill 38578. As always donations to ULLI are greatly appreciated.