Shalom Center for Continuing Education is a not-for-profit, tax exempt, education center providing opportunities for holistic education on behalf of SHALOM (wholeness, health, and peace)
Dr. Pete Andrews presents
Environmental Policy in the Current Political Climate
Friday, October 5th
5:30 pm: Potluck Dinner
6:30 - 8:00 pm: Environmental Policy Since the 2016 Election:
What's Changed, and Why Does It Matter?
6:30 - 8:00 pm: Environmental Policy Since the 2016 Election:
What's Changed, and Why Does It Matter?
Saturday, October 6th
8:30 am: Complimentary Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30 am: Environmental Federalism:
Can the States Solve Problems When the Feds Won't
8:30 am: Complimentary Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30 am: Environmental Federalism:
Can the States Solve Problems When the Feds Won't
Adheads Hall (lower level of Fletcher House, Uplands Village campus)
86A Church Drive, Pleasant Hill
(just off Main Street across from Pleasant Hill Elementary)
86A Church Drive, Pleasant Hill
(just off Main Street across from Pleasant Hill Elementary)
Shalom Center for Continuing Education
There is no charge to attend, although a freewill donation is suggested.
Shalom Center for Continuing Education
Shalom Center for Continuing Education is a not-for-profit, tax exempt, education center providing opportunities for holistic
education on behalf of SHALOM (wholeness, health, and peace)
Shalom Center for Continuing Education is a not-for-profit, tax exempt, education center providing opportunities for holistic
education on behalf of SHALOM (wholeness, health, and peace)
Excerpts of Richard Rohr’s Conspire 2018 ConferenceLed by Mark Canfield retired sociology professor and UCC Minister
Saturday, September 15th8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Break for lunch (brown bag or order from May’s Cafe upon check-in)
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Saturday, September 15th8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Break for lunch (brown bag or order from May’s Cafe upon check-in)
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
The Conspire Conference is a weekend of contemplative teachings, practices, reflection, and conversation. It looks at questions such as How do we change and grow? How do we become our most whole selves, deeply connected with God and others? How do we learn to experience ourselves as interconnected so that we can truly love?
The Shalom audience will view extended segments and discuss ideas presented during the Conspire Conference in Albuquerque ( The speakers include: Richard Rohr, Barbara Brown Taylor, Brian McLaren, Mirabai Starr, and Barbara Holmes.
These are among the most popular and thoughtful contemporary religious speakers/authors with significant insights on how uncertainty, failure, relapse, suffering (personal and communal), and woundedness are our primary teachers. The mystics of many spiritual traditions teach the path of descent—surrender, generative self-emptying, dying before you die—as the way of transformation. Barbara Brown Taylor has written “I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light, things that have saved my life over and over again, so that there is really only one logical conclusion. I need darkness as much as I need light.”
Through his own journey, Jesus modeled this counter-intuitive wisdom: “Unless the grain of wheat dies, it remains just a grain of wheat. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.” To avoid the death of our small, separate self is to avoid transformation into God, into union with one another, into something more. We must lose our life to find our life.
Shalom Center for Continuing Education
Meeting at Adheads Hall (lower level of Fletcher House, Uplands Village campus), 86A Church Drive, Pleasant Hill, (just off Main street across from Pleasant Hill Elementary) There is no charge to attend, although a freewill donation is suggested.
Meeting at Adheads Hall (lower level of Fletcher House, Uplands Village campus), 86A Church Drive, Pleasant Hill, (just off Main street across from Pleasant Hill Elementary) There is no charge to attend, although a freewill donation is suggested.
Shalom Center for Continuing Education
Shalom Center for Continuing Education is a not-for-profit, tax exempt, education center
Shalom Center for Continuing Education is a not-for-profit, tax exempt, education center
providing opportunities for holistic education on behalf of
Shalom (wholeness, health, and peace)
Exploring Service: A Returned Peace Corps Volunteer’s Perspective on China -
Greg Slovak

Friday, July 20th
Shalom (wholeness, health, and peace)
Exploring Service: A Returned Peace Corps Volunteer’s Perspective on China -
Greg Slovak

Friday, July 20th
5:30 pm: Potluck Dinner
6:30 - 8:00 pm: Greg Slovak discusses his two year experience as a
Peace Corps volunteer in China.
6:30 - 8:00 pm: Greg Slovak discusses his two year experience as a
Peace Corps volunteer in China.
Note: If you plan to attend the potluck supper before the presentation, don’t forget to bring your own table setting: plates, cups and cutlery! Those who don’t choose to attend the supper are more than welcome to come just for the program that begins at 6:30
Saturday, July 21st
8:30 am: Complimentary Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30 am: Panel discussion on the Peace Corps experience
with Greg Slovak, Vivian Adzaku, and Leith Reagan
Adheads Hall (lower level of Fletcher House, Uplands Village campus)
86A Church Drive, Pleasant Hill (just off Main Street across from Pleasant Hill Elementary)
86A Church Drive, Pleasant Hill (just off Main Street across from Pleasant Hill Elementary)
Greg Slovak has just returned to the US from 2 years of service in the United States Peace Corps in China. He served as Professor of English and Communications at Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College
Leith Reagan taught English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) in El Kelaa d Sraghna and Marrakech (Morocco 1976-1978)
There is no charge to attend, although a freewill donation is suggested.
Shalom Center for Continuing Education
Shalom Center for Continuing Education is a not-for-profit, tax exempt, education center providing opportunities for holistic education on behalf of
SHALOM (wholeness, health, and peace)
Saturday Seminar
The Dynamic Wholeness in the Universe
Saturday, June 23
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Break for lunch
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Ed Olson will discuss the reality of a conscious universe from the perspective of his new book, And God Created Wholeness (Orbis Books, 2018). The book identifies a three strata wholeness model. As stated by Dr. Olson:
"As a metaphor, I developed a Wholeness Model – a three-strata model of Surface, Middle, and Bedrock to investigate the similarities in the three dimensions of Body (life), Mind (consciousness) and Soul. Our experiences in the tangible physical world (the Surface stratum), our inner sensations, emotions, and images (the Middle stratum) and the strange reality of quantum activity (the Bedrock stratum) are all connected. As we cycle through these strata we are transformed as new insights from the unpredictable possibilities in the Bedrock change our emotions and feelings in the Middle and lead to new behavior on the Surface.
The Wholeness Model describes a process that brings together the empirical reality of science, speculations about consciousness, and the wisdom of the world’s religions, especially the Christian religion with which I am most familiar."This new paradigm has significant implications for deep personal development, relationships, ecology, moral leadership, community, and the integration of science and religion.
Ed Olson, Ph.d, taught in colleges and universities for 40 years. Currently, he leads workshops for churches and the Chautauqua Institution in applying complexity and quantum theory to issues in science, spirituality, and religion. The book ($28.00) will be available for purchase at the seminar.
Shalom Center for Continuing Education
Seminar in Adheads Hall (lower level of Fletcher House, Uplands Village campus), 86A Church Drive, Pleasant Hill, (just off Main Street across from Pleasant Hill Elementary)
There is no charge to attend, although a freewill donation is suggested.
Shalom Center for Continuing Education is a not-for-profit, tax exempt, education center providing opportunities for holistic education on behalf of SHALOM (wholeness, health, and peace)
Dr. Nancy Schurr presents
The Civil War on the Cumberland Plateau
Who Won the Civil War?
Note: If you plan to attend the potluck supper before the presentation, don’t forget to bring your own table setting: plates, cups and cutlery! Those who don’t choose to attend the supper are more than welcome to come just for the program that begins at 6:30
Saturday, May 12th
8:30 am: Complimentary Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30 am: “Who Won the Civil War?”
8:30 am: Complimentary Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30 am: “Who Won the Civil War?”
Adheads Hall (lower level of Fletcher House, Uplands Village campus)
86A Church Drive, Pleasant Hill
(just off Main Street across from Pleasant Hill Elementary)
86A Church Drive, Pleasant Hill
(just off Main Street across from Pleasant Hill Elementary)
Nancy Schurr earned her Ph.D. in 19th Century American History from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her dissertation was titled “Inside the Confederate Hospital: Community and Conflict during the Civil War.” She taught for 9 years at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and has spent the past 4 years teaching in her home city, Chattanooga. Nancy has a wife and twin 11-year old boys. In her spare time she likes to cook, fish, and watch the Cincinnati Reds.
There is no charge to attend, although a freewill donation is suggested.
Rabbi Rami Shapiro Presents Perennial Wisdom and Cup of Wisdom
Friday, March 16: 5:30 pm potluck dinner; 6:30 - 8:00 pm presentation
Saturday, March 17: 8:30 am complimentary continental breakfast; 9:00 - 10:30 am, presentation and QA
Saturday, March 17: 8:30 am complimentary continental breakfast; 9:00 - 10:30 am, presentation and QA
In Adshead Hall (lower level of Fletcher House on the Uplands Village Campus)
86A Church Dr, Pleasant Hill, 38578, (just off Main St. across from Pleasant Hill Elementary School)
86A Church Dr, Pleasant Hill, 38578, (just off Main St. across from Pleasant Hill Elementary School)
Note: If you plan to attend the potluck supper before the presentation, don’t forget to bring your own table setting:plates, cups and cutlery! Those who don’t choose to attend the supper are more than welcome to come just for the program that begins at 6:30
Rabbi Rami has led workshops around the world. He is a witty, insightful, and engaging presenter. He is the editor of The World Wisdom Bible: A New Testament for a Global Spirituality.
Friday evening’s program, Perennial Wisdom, will look at the four points of the perennial wisdom at the mystic heart of each of the world's religions.
Rabbi Rami Shapiro earned rabbinic ordination from the Hebrew Union College– Jewish Institute of Religion, and a Phd in religion from Union Graduate School; he served as a chaplain with the USAF for 3 years; led Temple Beth Or in Miami, FL for 20; taught religious studies at Middle Tennessee State University for 10; and published over thirty books on religion and spirituality. He currently guides the One River Foundation, writes the Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler column for Spirituality & Health magazine, and hosts the magazine’s weekly radio show, Essential Conversations with Rabbi Rami .
Exploring the Caves of Eastern TN
with Chuck Sutherland
The Shalom Center for Continuing Education will present a program titled "Exploring the Caves of Eastern Tennessee" on Oct. 20-21 in Pleasant Hill. It will take place in Adshead Hall on the lower level of Fletcher House on the Uplands Village campus (86a Church Drive, Pleasant Hill (Just Off Main St. Across From Pleasant Hill Elementary School).
The presenter is Chuck Sutherland, an expert caver, professional photographer and avid conservationist. A geographer by training, he currently serves as the geographic information systems specialist for the Upper Cumberland Development District. He is also working with the state of Tennessee to create new maps for state parks in the Upper Cumberland, and is using LiDAR data to reveal previously unknown cave entrances.
July 7 and 8 2017
This is the second Ted Braun Memorial Program being offered by the Shalom Center for Continuing Education. The Lavastidas will update us on the important work they’re doing at the B. G. Lavastida Center for Christian Service in Santiago de Cuba and talk about current conditions in the country.
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William Isom |
Media, Public Discourse and Democracy Program May 12-13
The Shalom Center for Continuing Education is offering a free program titled Media, Public Discourse & Democracy on May 12 – 13 and everyone is invited to attend. The presenter is William Isom, Director of Community Outreach for East TN PBS and Coordinator of the Rural Broadband Campaign.
Fri. May 12:
A free and open media is essential to civic engagement and public discourse on policy and social concerns. Unfortunately, commercial interests often overshadow the mandate for education and dissemination of important information. We will review how the foundations of journalism have been derailed since the 1960s and discuss how community members are proactively creating their own democratic media outlets in the South.
Sat. May 13:
With the advent of new technologies, amazing organizing tools are now available to social justice workers, thus increasing their ability to reach thousands within and outside of their own areas. In rural TN, however, those tools aren’t necessarily accessible, many times due to poor, expensive or nonexistent broadband internet service. We will hear about collaborative grassroots efforts aimed at closing the digital divide in mountain communities, the challenges and successes of this work and how increased publicly-owned options can foster local participation in civic life across issues.
Black Girl Magic: Shining though Spiritualsand Classical Music
Featuring Jayme Alilaw, Brittney Boykin, and Michael Ruff
Thursday, Feb. 23 at 7:00 p.m. on the Main Stage of the
Cumberland County Playhouse
Sponsored by the Shalom Center for Continuing Education, the Pleasant Hill Community Church, Uplands Village and the Cumberland County Playhouse
Cumberland County Playhouse
Sponsored by the Shalom Center for Continuing Education, the Pleasant Hill Community Church, Uplands Village and the Cumberland County Playhouse
Harmonica Exercise for Lung Program
“Making Music to Improve Breathing” - Nov 4 2016
Pastor of Peace United Church of Christ, Greensboro, NC
"Moses, Pharaoh, & Fidel: Cuba and the Social Construction of Revolution" - August 27, 2016
"Moses, Pharaoh, & Fidel: Cuba and the Social Construction of Revolution" - August 27, 2016
“2016 Cuba Seminar Trip” - August 28, 2016
MARGIE HUNTER: author of Gardening with
the Native Plants of Tennessee: The Spirit of Place
“Tennessee’s Billion Year Journey: How We Came to Be What We Are”- April 1, 2016

Author of The Bright Light of Ours 1965: Stories From a Teenage Freedom Fighter in Rural Alabama
Stephanie Teatro: Coordinator and Director of Advocacy for TIRRC (Tennessee Refugee and Immigrant Rights Coalition)
Tom Neilson Concert: Song Writer, Folk Singer, Historian and Educator
Creating a Future of Sustainable Communities,
A Follow up to Faithfully Facing Dying.
Faithfully Facing Dying, a program about end of life options.
All My Bones Shake: Seeking a Progressive Path to the Prophetic Voice; Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity; and Media and Journalism in the Empire (Obedience and Disobedience in the Face of Power) Dr. Robert Jensen, Professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas, Austin, where he teaches media law, ethics, and politics.
"Lazarus, Come Forth!" An Evening Meditation and Book-Signing with Reverend John Dear, S.J.
******************************************************* Border and Immigration Issues presented by Reverend Dan Romero, founder of the Daniel F. Romero Border Ministries Center, San Ysidro, CA, one of the UCC commissioned Centers for Education and Social Transformation.********************************************************
Magdalen House and Thistle Farms, Nashville, led by Founder and Director, The Rev. Becca Stevens, Episcopal chaplain of St. Augustine's at Vanderbilt University, social entrepreneur, and author of five books.
******************************************************* Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Outsourced Intelligence, led by Tim Shorrock, a Washington, DC based investigative journalist who grew up in Korea and Japan of United Church of Christ (UCC) missionary parents. His writings are in numerous major journals and he is frequently heard on NPR and "Democracy Now."
******************************************************* Transforming Faith into Action, led by Millard and Linda Fuller.
******************************************************* God, Church, and State: Critical Issues and the Challenge to Prophetic Response, led by Bonganjalo Goba and Barry Lynn.
******************************************************* Three compelling dramas of faith, presented by Al Staggs: Oscar Romero: A Martyr's Homily; A View from the Underside: The Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Clarence Jordan and the God Movement.
******************************************************* Domestic and International Violence: Their Ethical and Political Context, led by Marie Fortune.
the Native Plants of Tennessee: The Spirit of Place
“Ecological Gardening: Native Plants in the Tennessee Landscape” - April 2, 2016
Margie's blog:
Margie's blog:
"Our Common Value Systems - Local and Transplanted
Women and Economics in Tennessee

Beverly Watts
Executive Director

Dr. Phyllis Qualls-Brooks
Executive Director
Tennessee Economic Council on Women
****************************************************Tennessee Culture
Kathy and Mike Guinn, Storytellers
"Science and Religion are not Enemies"
Michael Dowd
Author of Earth Spirit and
“Culture, Place, and History of the Upper Cumberland”
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Jeanette Keith Author, Professor, Historian |
“Not your average Composer, Conductor, Singer/Songwriter"
Music Director of Nickel City Opera in Buffalo, NY
Former Artistic Director of Memphis Opera
Adrienne van der Valk
www.splcenter.orgAssociate Editor of Teaching Tolerance for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
Maria Gitin: Civil Rights Activist
Author of The Bright Light of Ours 1965: Stories From a Teenage Freedom Fighter in Rural Alabama
Charles McCollough: Author, Writer, Sculptor, Theologian
Medea Benjamin: Co-Founder of CODE PINK
Author of Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control
Stephanie Teatro: Coordinator and Director of Advocacy for TIRRC (Tennessee Refugee and Immigrant Rights Coalition)
Tom Neilson Concert: Song Writer, Folk Singer, Historian and Educator
Creating a Future of Sustainable Communities,
Nancy Seaberg, Certified Permaculture Consultant
A Follow up to Faithfully Facing Dying.
Faithfully Facing Dying, a program about end of life options.
Ed Kilbourne, Singer, storyteller, and folk theologian.
Ed Kilbourne, Singer, storyteller, and folk theologian.
All My Bones Shake: Seeking a Progressive Path to the Prophetic Voice; Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity; and Media and Journalism in the Empire (Obedience and Disobedience in the Face of Power) Dr. Robert Jensen, Professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas, Austin, where he teaches media law, ethics, and politics.
"Lazarus, Come Forth!" An Evening Meditation and Book-Signing with Reverend John Dear, S.J.
******************************************************* Border and Immigration Issues presented by Reverend Dan Romero, founder of the Daniel F. Romero Border Ministries Center, San Ysidro, CA, one of the UCC commissioned Centers for Education and Social Transformation.********************************************************
Magdalen House and Thistle Farms, Nashville, led by Founder and Director, The Rev. Becca Stevens, Episcopal chaplain of St. Augustine's at Vanderbilt University, social entrepreneur, and author of five books.
******************************************************* Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Outsourced Intelligence, led by Tim Shorrock, a Washington, DC based investigative journalist who grew up in Korea and Japan of United Church of Christ (UCC) missionary parents. His writings are in numerous major journals and he is frequently heard on NPR and "Democracy Now."
******************************************************* Transforming Faith into Action, led by Millard and Linda Fuller.
******************************************************* God, Church, and State: Critical Issues and the Challenge to Prophetic Response, led by Bonganjalo Goba and Barry Lynn.
******************************************************* Three compelling dramas of faith, presented by Al Staggs: Oscar Romero: A Martyr's Homily; A View from the Underside: The Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Clarence Jordan and the God Movement.
******************************************************* Domestic and International Violence: Their Ethical and Political Context, led by Marie Fortune.