More Good Short Fiction to Read and Discuss
presented by Ron Johnson
DATE & TIME: Every Friday 2:00-3:30-pm, starting May 17, ending June 21.
Ron Johnson is the course leader. Before he became a pastor, Ron taught English and American literature in high school and college. He holds several degrees: M.Div, MA in teaching, and a Doctorate in English and American literature.
This course will focus on six stories from the Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Interpreter of Maladies, a collection of stories by Jhumpa Lahiri. Lahiri, the daughter of Indian parents, was born in London but moved with her parents to the United States when she was three. Wikipedia says this about the author and her work:
“The stories address sensitive dilemmas in the lives of Indians or Indian immigrants, with themes such as marital difficulties, the bereavement over a stillborn child, and the disconnection between first and second generation United States immigrants. Lahiri later wrote, "When I first started writing I was not conscious that my subject was the Indian-American experience. What drew me to my craft was the desire to force the two worlds I occupied to mingle on the page as I was not brave enough, or mature enough, to allow in life."
I think you will discover that, though the subject matter of most of the stories is “the Indian-American experience,” their themes are universal.
The course will meet on six successive Fridays, beginning May 17th , from 2:00PM until 3:30. Its vitality depends upon each member coming to the weekly meetings having read and thought about the particular story for the day and being prepared to discuss it with one another. Each week a group of discussion-starter questions will be emailed to each participant. In order to facilitate discussion, the class will have a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 15 persons. Jan Rosemergy has graciously offered to host this group at her home: 284 Yonside Drive.
REGISTRATION: Contact Ron Johnson:; call: 931-371-1781. First Come; First Serve; but in the past Ron has run repeats; so no one will lost out.
Course charge: $10 for ULLI members; $20 for non-members. Checks should be made out to ULLI. (Become a member:$50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI c/o PHCC PO Box 167, Pleasant Hill 38578.) Checks for this course can be mailed to ULLI at the above PO Box. One may also give the course fee directly to Ron at the first class. As always donations are greatly appreciated.