Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is pleased to present a new short course:
Singing on the Land:
Historical Perspectives on Local and Regional Folk Music
Presenter: Jan Laude
Dates &Time: 1:30-2:45 March 19, 26, and April 9. 1:30-3:30 April 2
Location: Pleasant Hill Community House
Note: Class size limited to 15. Registration is first come, first served.
Content: This course will focus on the Folk music brought to the Appalachian region of the United States from Great Britain and the vital role it played in shaping this part of the country. The first week we’ll explore these questions: What is Folklore? What is Folk music? and What are the local and regional Folk music traditions? During week two we’ll listen to and discuss the music in the movie “Songcatcher.” A handout about what to look for in “Songcatcher” will be distributed. In week three we’ll see “Songcatcher.” During our final session we’ll examine our learnings from “Songcatcher” along with bringing together our knowledge about the historical perspectives on local and regional Folk music.
Presenter: Jan Laude’s academic background in Folklore includes an MA in Folk Studies from Western Kentucky University and a PHD from Indiana University with a double major in Folklore and American Studies and a minor in Women’s Studies. Jan also has a Bachelor of Science degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Jan’s work as a folklorist focused on American Women’s Folklore, Urban Folklore and Occupational Folklore. Jan is looking forward to sharing her knowledge of, passion for and delight in Folklore.
To Register: Send your request to register with your check payable to ULLI and your email address to ULLI Registrar PO Box 621 Pleasant Hill TN 38578. You will receive confirmation by email. You may also email ullipleasanthill@gmail.com requesting registration. You will receive an email confirmation.
Course charge: $10 for ULLI members; $20 for non-members. Become a member: $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI PO Box 621, Pleasant Hill 38578.. As always donations are appreciated.