Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is pleased to present
Psychology in the Legal System
Presenter: Jennifer K Robbenolt, JD, PhD
Associate Dean for Research
Alice Curtis Campbell Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology
Co-Director, Illinois Program on Law, Behavior, and Social Science
Presented as a ZOOM program:
Friday, August 13th (7:30-9:00 pm): A discussion of Eyewitnesses, Apologies, and “Anchors”
Sat August14th (9:00-10:00 am): Open discussion
Professor Jennifer Robbenolt is an expert in the areas of psychology and law, torts, and dispute resolution. Her research integrates psychology into the study of law and legal institutions, focusing primarily on legal decision-making and the use of empirical research and methodology in law
She has served as the chair of the AALS section on law and the social sciences and as the secretary of the American Psychology-Law Society. She currently serves as an Associate Editor of the Law and Society Review and is on the editorial boards of Psychology, Public Policy, and Law and Law and Human Behavior.
The program will be a ZOOM hosted event by ULLI. Once registration is underway, registrants will be contacted with the ZOOM link and with instructions. ULLI has now purchased from ZOOM a plan allowing up to 100 participants.
An email address and means to access the internet are required: tablet, laptop, desktop, cell phone. To register: email- ullipleasanthill@gmail.com.
ABOUT ULLI: Dedicated to enriching all our lives through a variety of programs and courses on a wide range of topics and subjects. ULLI exists because of the generosity of members and donors. Programs come to be because of the imagination and energy of many of our larger community. ULLI depends on membership dues and donations to support these programs. BECOME A MEMBER ($50 annually): MAKE A DONATION: (any amount helps)
ADDRESS TO: ULLI, Attn: George Andrews, 67 Church Drive, P.O. Box 167, Pleasant Hill, TN 38578 or put it in his Heritage Hall mailbox. Thank you for your support.