Beekeeping In Cumberland County

ULLI is happy to announce its next offering.


ULLI is pleased to present Jeff Dayton, leading a program on beekeeping in Cumberland County. Jeff was born and raised in Cumberland County.  He had his first  experience with bees with his father in the 60s and 70s, was harvesting honey from bee trees, colonies of bees occurring naturally in the woods. At that time the wild colonies were abundant, and no one was concerned about the possibility of destroying a colony.

  For the last 25 years Jeff has been a beekeeper, setting up and maintaining hives throughout the county, and harvesting the honey.  At this time he is caring for 65 to 70 hives, as well as selling bees and processing honey.  Three of his hives have been set up on Ruth Peepleā€™s property, adjacent to Uplands. Jeff is a member of and presenter for both the Cumberland County Bee Keepers Association and the Tennessee Bee Keepers Association.

TO REGISTER: Barbara; phone: 1-248-228-4797

DATES & TIMES: Friday July 31: 7PM CT; Saturday, August 1: 9AM

The program will be a ZOOM hosted event with Don Dowdey as the coordinator. Once registration is underway, Don will contact registrants with the ZOOM link and with instructions. ULLI has now purchased from ZOOM a plan allowing up to 100 participants, so there will be plenty of room for all who wish to partake.  An email address and means to access the internet is required: tablet, laptop, desktop, cell phone. 

ABOUT ULLI: Dedicated to enriching all our lives through a variety of programs and courses on a wide range of topics and subjects. ULLI exists because of the generosity of members and donors. Programs come to be because of the imagination and energy of many of our larger community. ULLI depends on membership dues and donations to support these programs. BECOME A MEMBER ($50 annually): MAKE A DONATION: (any amount helps)
ADDRESS TO:   ULLI, Attn: Larry Burch, 67 Church Drive, P.O. Box 167, Pleasant Hill, TN 38578 or put it in his Heritage Hall mailbox.  Thank you for your support.    

Picture by Annie Spratt on