White Fragility: Why It's so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, by Robin Diangelo
How do we confront the racism that abounds in society? How do we conceptualize racism in new language that can contribute to change? In her best-selling book, Robin Diangelo addresses such questions. This ULLI class will read and discuss this book, relating her ideas to our own experience. She suggests that because racism is endemic in our society, we need to move beyond the idea that all racists are bad individuals. Other themes of the book include useful ways to think about race as a social construct, the experience of whiteness, and what we can do to combat ongoing white supremacy. Participants will read a few chapters each week to prepare for our discussions on Zoom.
Don Dowdey and Marilyn Brady, Instructors
Need Zoom access
Friday mornings: 10:00 11:30
Starting July 10, 2020 and lasting 6 weeks
Participation limited to 18
People taking the class will need access to ZOOM. Don will arrange ZOOM meeting details after registration.
We will NOT be ordering the book for participants. It is easily available online. Amazon has it for under $10 foreither Kindle or paperback, but the hard copy version will not be available before June 30. No reading will berequired for the first session of the class. After that, we read a couple of chapters a week (an average of 20-30pages). The book is 194 pages.
If you would like to register, you can access the form here.