Another Video Series from ULLI


Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is pleased to offer another video series:


The Video Series

Presenter: Sabina Coronado and ULLI

Dates &Time: Tuesdays, March 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 from  3:00 -5:00 pm.

Location: The Art Space, Heritage Hall, in Uplands VIllage

This video series shines a light on the motivations and creation of the opioid epidemic. A docudrama based in a small Virginia coal mining town, a well meaning doctor starts to prescribe the “miracle” drug, OxyContin, after a hard sell by a pharmaceutical representative, driven by goals and disinformation cloaked in medical jargon. The roles of the Sackler family dynamics and the profits made from pushing OxyContin, are examined, as well as the fast and strong addiction to the drug. Michael Keaton and Sissy Spacek are among a strong cast that brings the pervasive tragedy to life, and deliver a warning to the audience.

The opioid epidemic and addiction among seniors are ongoing issues, especially in Tennessee. This docudrama will allow opportunities to reflect on these important regional and national concerns.

Registration is requested:  You may email requesting registration. You may also send your request to register to ULLI and your email address to ULLI Registrar PO Box 621 Pleasant Hill TN 38578. You will receive confirmation by email. 

There is no charge. Please consider membership. To become a member: $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI PO Box 621, Pleasant Hill 38578.). As always donations are appreciated.

A Video Series Co-sponsored with HCCA


Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is pleased to co-sponsor a video series:

Appalachia: A History of Mountains and People”

A Documentary Series

Presenter: Heritage Community Cultural Art (HCCA)

Dates &Time: Saturdays, February 15, 22, March 1, 8

Location: The Art Space, Heritage Hall, in Uplands VIllage

Heritage Community Cultural Art (HCCA) and Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute

(ULLI) are co-sponsoring a showing of the acclaimed 4-part PBS documentary series

titled “Appalachia: A History of Mountains and People.” This program is free and is

being held in the new Art Space room in Heritage.

The series will run on four consecutive Saturdays, beginning on Feb. 15. For each of the

four parts, there will be two showings, from 1:30 – 2:30 pm and again from 3 – 4 pm:

Feb. 15 – Time and Terrain

Feb. 22 – New Green World

March 1 – A Mountain Revolution

March 8 – Power and Place

Narrated by Sissy Spacek, the program was created and masterfully filmed by TN native

Ross Spears. This documentary has been acclaimed as “the first environmental history

series ever made.” It’s an informative and affirmative work that ties our brief time here

with the timeless evolution of this area and its people.

Registration is not required. Please note two showings on each date.

There is no charge. Please consider membership. To become a member: $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI PO Box 621, Pleasant Hill 38578.). As always donations are appreciated.

Whittling on the Land: The Next Short Course from ULLI


Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is pleased to present our next short course:

Whittling on the Land:

Historical Perspectives on Local and Regional Folk Art

Presenter: Jan Laude

Dates &Time: Monday’s 1:00-2:15 March  3, 10, 24 and 1:00-3:00 March 17 

Location: Pleasant Hill Community House 

Note: Class size limited to 15. Registration is first come, first served.

Content: Week 1 explores these questions: What is Folklore? and What is Folk Art? Week 2 examines local folk art wooden doll traditions with examples from the Pioneer Museum and corresponding regional traditions from the novel The Dollmaker by Harriette Simpson Arnow (1954). In week 3 the movie “The Dollmaker” will be shown. The final week will be a discussion of insights gained about the Folk Art wooden doll traditions in the local and regional area. Note: Reading The Dollmaker, is not required, however, it would add to your understanding and enjoyment of the course. This classic Appalachian work of literature is approximately 600 pages long.

Presenter: Jan Laude’s academic background in Folklore includes an MA in Folk Studies from Western Kentucky University and a PHD from Indiana University with a double major in Folklore and American Studies and a minor in Women’s Studies. Jan also has a Bachelor of Science degree from Carnegie Mellon University.  While working as a folklorist, Jan explored numerous avenues of American women’s Folklore via teaching, research and writing. Jan is looking forward to sharing her knowledge of, passion for and delight in Folklore with all class members.

To Register:  Send your request to register with your check payable to ULLI and your email address to ULLI Registrar PO Box 621 Pleasant Hill TN 38578. You may also email requesting registration. You will receive confirmation by email.  

Course charge: $10 for ULLI members; $20 for non-members.  Become a member: $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI PO Box 621, Pleasant Hill 38578.). As always donations are appreciated.

Next from ULLI: "A Day Without a Mexican"


“A Day Without a Mexican”

A Video Presentation

Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 3:00 pm

Adshead Hall in Fletcher Assisted Living

Using humor as the vehicle for a serious message, the movie drives home the many ways immigrants make daily life affordable, pleasing, or even possible. When the world loses people of Latino origins, in a “Rapture-like” occurrence, the many ways that everyone’s lives are intertwined are made pretty clear.

Although initially released in 2000, the movie couldn’t be more topical and relevant. Following the movie, discussion and suggestions for appealing to members of the TN State Legislature and the US Congress will be available

Become a member of Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute: Your membership is vital to supporting and continuing these varied and interesting programs. $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI P O Box 621, Pleasant Hill 38578.  As always donations to ULLI are greatly appreciated

Consider Volunteering with ULLI. Our events require some help with set up and take down. If you would be willing to volunteer, contact ULLI at

From ULLI: Cybercrime and Elder Fraud


Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is pleased to share:

Cybercrime and Elder Fraud

Donnie Moody

Director of Cumberland County Parks and Recreation

10:00 am on Friday, November 8, 2024

Pleasant Hill Community House

According to the FBI, “Elder fraud complaints to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (or IC3) increased by 14% in 2023, and associated losses increased by about 11%,  according to IC3’s 2023 Elder Fraud Report, released April 30…. Tech support scams were the most widely reported kind of elder fraud in 2023….Personal data breaches, confidence and romance scams, non-payment or non-delivery scams, and investment scams rounded out the top five most common types of elder fraud reported to IC3 last year.” (“Elder Fraud in Focus,” April 30 2024) 

Donnie Moody, Director of Parks and Recreation for Cumberland County will provide useful information to help protect from and respond attempts to defraud seniors on the internet. Please join us at the Pleasant Hill Community House so that we can help ourselves and one another.

Become a member of Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute: Your membership is vital to supporting and continuing these varied and interesting programs. $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI P O Box 621, Pleasant Hill 38578.  As always donations to ULLI are greatly appreciated

Consider Volunteering with ULLI. Our events require some help with set up and take down. If you would be willing to volunteer, contact ULLI at

From ULLI: Addiction Concerns Among Older Adults


Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is pleased to share:

Addiction Concerns Among Older Adults

Emily White

Cumberland Prevention Coalition

6:00 pm, October 18

Adshead Hall

Snacks will be provided. 

The Cumberland Prevention Coalition of Cumberland County provides Prevention Services. Their goal is to reduce substance abuse in our community.

Addiction among seniors is a significant problem.According to the website of the University of Pennsylvania Health System, 

  • There are 2.5 million older adults with an alcohol or drug problem
  • Six to eleven percent of elderly hospital admissions are a result of alcohol or drug problems — 14percent of elderly emergency room admissions, and 20 percent of elderly psychiatric hospital admissions.
  • Widowers over the age of 75 have the highest rate of alcoholism in the U.S.
  • Older adults are hospitalized as often for alcoholic related problems as for heart attacks.

Emily White of the Coalition will provide information about the issue generally, and about issues and resources in Cumberland County.

Become a member of Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute: Your membership is vital to supporting and continuing these varied and interesting programs. $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI P O Box 621, Pleasant Hill 38578.  As always donations to ULLI are greatly appreciated

Consider Volunteering with ULLI. Our events require some help with set up and take down. If you would be willing to volunteer, contact ULLI at

A Collaboration of ULLI and Pleasant Hill Community Church


Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is pleased to share:

A Performance of the Tennessee Tech Clarinet Choir:

A Part of the Diana Riggs Concert Series 

Pleasant Hill Community Church

Pleasant Hill, Tennessee

September 29, 2024

Pre-Concert Presentation at 2:30 pm

Concert at 3:00 pm


The Tennessee Tech Clarinet Choir will perform in the sanctuary of Pleasant Hill Community Church on September 29 as part of the Diana Riggs Concert Series. The Clarinet Choir is dedicated to performing energetic, lively, and engaging repertoire.  Prior to the performance Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is cosponsoring a lecture presentation by TTU Clarinet Professor, Mark J. Cramer, DMA, Director of the Choir.

The Group performed at the International Clarinet Association’s 50th Clarinet Fest in Denver, Colorado in 2023. Under the direction of Dr. Cramer the group is committed to performing works by contemporary composers, including the works of current composition majors enrolled in the University. 

There is no admission charge for concerts in the Diana Riggs Series, but donations are gratefully welcomed.

Become a member of Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute: Your membership is vital to supporting and continuing these varied and interesting programs. $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI P O Box 621, Pleasant Hill 38578.  As always donations to ULLI are greatly appreciated

Consider Volunteering with ULLI. Our events require some help with set up and take down. If you would be willing to volunteer, contact ULLI at