A Video Series Co-sponsored with HCCA


Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is pleased to co-sponsor a video series:

Appalachia: A History of Mountains and People”

A Documentary Series

Presenter: Heritage Community Cultural Art (HCCA)

Dates &Time: Saturdays, February 15, 22, March 1, 8

Location: The Art Space, Heritage Hall, in Uplands VIllage

Heritage Community Cultural Art (HCCA) and Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute

(ULLI) are co-sponsoring a showing of the acclaimed 4-part PBS documentary series

titled “Appalachia: A History of Mountains and People.” This program is free and is

being held in the new Art Space room in Heritage.

The series will run on four consecutive Saturdays, beginning on Feb. 15. For each of the

four parts, there will be two showings, from 1:30 – 2:30 pm and again from 3 – 4 pm:

Feb. 15 – Time and Terrain

Feb. 22 – New Green World

March 1 – A Mountain Revolution

March 8 – Power and Place

Narrated by Sissy Spacek, the program was created and masterfully filmed by TN native

Ross Spears. This documentary has been acclaimed as “the first environmental history

series ever made.” It’s an informative and affirmative work that ties our brief time here

with the timeless evolution of this area and its people.

Registration is not required. Please note two showings on each date.

There is no charge. Please consider membership. To become a member: $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI PO Box 621, Pleasant Hill 38578.). As always donations are appreciated.