Uplands Lifelong Learning Institute is proud to present a program so relevant on this beautiful sunny day. The 2 part ZOOM program is described below:
My Home Land Ecology: How to care for the environment in your yard, garden, or woodlot.
As individuals we can have an impact on what is happening in our own territory. To have a greater environmental impact, we need more individuals to act together by practicing conservation, protecting and enhancing our local natural environment with it’s plants, insects, birds and wildlife, air and water.
Part I: April 21, 2021, 2:00-3:30pm with discussant Greg Upchurch, Cumberland County Agricultural Agent
(Introduction and post discussion session 3:30-4:00pm by Diantha Hodges)
1) Principles for having beneficial impact on environment and supporting wildlife. Why it is important!!
2) Soil and composting
3) Common local invasive species: impact and management
4) Recommended resources
5) Q&A
Part II: May 8,2021, 10-11:30am with Tennessee Naturescapes hosting a discussion of local native plants with Diantha Hodges introducing.
(Tennessee Naturescapes is a nursery in Clinton, TN selling only native plants.)
1) Local native plants, shrubs, and trees to benefit our gardens and environs.
2) Pollinators
3) Recommended resources
4) Q&A
5) Closing remarks by Diantha Hodges
Register: Send email to ullipleasanthill@gmail.com to register. You will receive a response confirming your registration. ZOOM link will come in your email before the program.There is no charge for this program.
Become a member of ULLI: $50 annually with checks mailed to ULLI c/o PHCC PO Box 167, Pleasant Hill 38578.) As always donations are greatly appreciated.