The Dynamic Wholeness in the Universe - Saturday Seminar with Ed Olson - June 23

Shalom Center for Continuing Education

Shalom Center for Continuing Education is a not-for-profit, tax exempt, education center providing opportunities for holistic education on behalf of
SHALOM (wholeness, health, and peace)

Saturday Seminar
The Dynamic Wholeness in the Universe 
Saturday, June 23 

9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Break for lunch
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Ed Olson will discuss the reality of a conscious universe from the perspective of his new book, And God Created Wholeness (Orbis Books, 2018). The book identifies a three strata wholeness model. As stated by Dr. Olson:
"As a metaphor, I developed a Wholeness Model – a three-strata model of Surface, Middle, and Bedrock to investigate the similarities in the three dimensions of Body (life), Mind (consciousness) and Soul. Our experiences in the tangible physical world (the Surface stratum), our inner sensations, emotions, and images (the Middle stratum) and the strange reality of quantum activity (the Bedrock stratum) are all connected. As we cycle through these strata we are transformed as new insights from the unpredictable possibilities in the Bedrock change our emotions and feelings in the Middle and lead to new behavior on the Surface.
The Wholeness Model describes a process that brings together the empirical reality of science, speculations about consciousness, and the wisdom of the world’s religions, especially the Christian religion with which I am most familiar."
This new paradigm has significant implications for deep personal development, relationships, ecology, moral leadership, community, and the integration of science and religion. 
Ed Olson, Ph.d, taught in colleges and universities for 40 years. Currently, he leads workshops for churches and the Chautauqua Institution in applying complexity and quantum theory to issues in science, spirituality, and religion. The book ($28.00) will be available for purchase at the seminar.

Shalom Center for Continuing Education
Seminar in Adheads Hall (lower level of Fletcher House, Uplands Village campus), 86A Church Drive, Pleasant Hill, (just off Main Street across from Pleasant Hill Elementary)

There is no charge to attend, although a freewill donation is suggested.