Exploring Big Ideas in Short Stories taught by Holly McClain begins April 17, 2018

Exploring Big Ideas in Short Stories

 with instructor Holly McClain

Shalom Center Short Course
Tuesdays, April 17 - May 22
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Room 1, Pleasant Hill Community Church
67 Church Drive, Pleasant Hill, TN

The syllabus for this 6-week class will be: “The Doctor” by Ann Hood, “Blind Fish” by Melanie Rae Thon, “A Passion in the Desert” by Honore Balzac, “Gimpel the Fool” by Isaac Bashevic Singer, “The Pugilist at Rest” by Thon Jones,“The Man From Mars” by Margaret Atwood, and “The Professor’s Houses” by Urusula K. LeGuin. Materials will be provided at no charge.

The course will use the methods of Shared Inquiry to discuss the short stories. Working individually and as a group, the class will explore, interpret, and evaluate the challenging ideas presented in the texts. The class will actively read the short stories, ask questions of the ideas presented in the works, and listen and respond to each other. The participants will actively look for meaning in the text for themselves while considering plausible other meanings during the class discussions.

Holly McClain has a BA from Tennessee Tech University and a lifelong love of literature.

Tuition is $20 ($10 for 2018 Shalom Center members). Registration forms are available here and in the Heritage mailbox entryway in Uplands Village;, outside the PHCC office, or by calling Don Dowdey at 277-3033.